Egg of Vision: four webcameras

The Egg of Vision consists simply of four low-cost Logitech webcameras mounted in an egg-shaped ball on top of the Instrument Module. Its purpose is to provide some visual feedback on conditions at Dome F, and to test the suitability of the webcameras for future deployment.

The following images were taken on 3 March 2011.

Egg of Vision, camera 0 The view towards HRCAM.
Egg of Vision, camera 1The green Engine Module is 50m away. Twincam is visible at lower left.
Egg of Vision, camera 2The guy wires supporting the weather tower are visible.
Egg of Vision, camera 3Showing the tops of three of the solar panels.


Primary designers/constructors: Nick Tothill and Colin Bonner

Participating institutions in alphabetical order

UNSW University of New South Wales, Australia